DIY Health Lifestyle

You Should Do These 10 Beauty Habits Every Night

Every day, we expose ourselves along with our skin to various chemicals, harsh UV sunrays, dust, air pollution, and environmental conditions. In time, our skin becomes extremely damaged. It starts showing various signs like for example: premature aging, such as fine lines, wrinkles, as well as a dull complexion. One of the things we can all do is take care of our skin and try to prevent the signs of aging. Our skin is usually repairing itself while we sleep, but with a proper skin care during the night, it will become healthier and more glowing, while at the same time, we’re improving its tone, reducing blemishes, and rejuvenating and hydrating it.

Here, we’re presenting you ten beauty habits that you should do every night before you go to bed and you’ll say “Goodbye” to the signs of aging very fast!

Remove Your Makeup

This is essential. You must remove your makeup before going bed no matter what. Only that will help you preserve the young look of your skin. During the process of sleeping at night, out skin pores open up and the skin repairs itself. A layer of makeup on the face including foundation, mascara, lipstick, eye shadow, or highlighter, makes your pores clogged, and you will only have an uneven skin tone, spots, and acne. Make sure you use some makeup remover, facial cleanser, or cold cream so that you can remove your makeup.

Use a Toner

Use a toner every night before you go to bed! In this way, you’ll restore the natural pH levels of your skin, while you’re improving its resistance to microorganisms and bacteria. You’ll be able to remove all the impurities, pollution, and dust from the skin. People with oily skin prone to acne can especially have benefits from this. The market offers numerous skin toners for different types of skin, but the best one is the one of pure rose water because it is full of clarifying, hydrating, and energizing properties and it’s all natural. Pour a bit of this type of toner onto a cotton pad and wipe it over your neck and face. Then, leave your skin to dry naturally. Always choose an alcohol-free type of toner!

Apply Hand Cream

Applying some hand cream on your hands before you go to bed will help you have soft and smooth hands throughout the whole day. First, wash your hands with some mild soap and warm water. Pat them dry using a clean towel, and then apply some hand cream. The best would be a plain, thick, and little greasy hand cream so that it can keep the moisture on your hands throughout the night. This simple treatment will help your hands and fingernails look healthy in the morning. Your cuticles will be preserved, and you’ll be able to prevent the appearance of premature signs of aging like for example wrinkles or sagging skin!

Brush Your Teeth

Before you go to bed, it’s very important to brush and floss your teeth. Your mouth will stay free from infections, cavities, and germs. Bad breath in the morning will also be history. 

Your teeth’s outer and inner surfaces should be brushed for around two minutes with some fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristle toothbrush. Then, rinse your mouth with warm water. Make sure you don’t brush your teeth right after having a meal. Allow half an hour to pass, especially if you have an acidic meal. You’ll only push the acid into the dentin more. 

Use Eye Cream

One of the first areas to show the signs of aging is definitely the area around your eyes, so you must always take care of that area. Make sure you remove your eye makeup, and apply some eye cream every night before you go to bed. You’ll be able to hydrate, moisturize, reduce, and de-puff dark circles, reducing the wrinkle appearance with that cream while you’ll temporarily tighten the area below your eyes. Make sure you choose a lightweight eye cream with antioxidants, peptides, brighteners, and caffeine. Use it like this: apply the eye cream from the inner eye corners and continue towards the outer corners using gentle massages.

Apply Petroleum Jelly on Your Feet

You should also include the care for your feet into your nightly beauty regimen! They reflect your personality and health. Wash them with some warm water, and pat them dry. Massage them using some foot cream or petroleum jelly, but make sure you focus on the rough and dry parts to soften them, but it will also help you prevent cracked heels. In the end, put on some cotton socks and go to bed. You’ll also feel relaxed if you do a regular 5-minute foot massage with circular motions before bedtime. You’ll also improve your sleep quality.

Pin Up Your Hair

You’d better tie up your hair before you go to bed. It is beneficial for your hair, but also for your face. Pin your hair up in a bun, or make sure you braid it before you go to bed so that you can avoid tangles and knots in the morning. That’s how your hair won’t be touching your face while sleeping. Your hair contains dirt and oils that can cause acne breakouts and pimples, so it’s very important that it doesn’t touch your face.

Switch to Silk Pillowcases

Your hair and skin will have great benefits if you sleep on a silk bed sheets and silk pillowcase. Silk contains 18 essential amino acids and many natural proteins that will keep the beautiful and young appearance of your skin.

Your hair will slide smoothly so you will prevent its damaging. A cotton pillowcase only causes your hair to bunch, knot, and become unruly.

Turn on a Humidifier

If you use a humidifier during the night, especially in the winter period it will add moisture to the air in your bedroom. This will soothe your itchy, dry, and cracked skin. A humidifier can also help you against the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis, as well as other skin condition usually aggravated by low humidity levels.

Get Your Beauty Sleep

You need a beauty sleep at night after a busy day at work. The duration as well as the nature of your night sleep can affect your look greatly. While you’re sleeping, cells repair and grow, so that’s why sleep is considered to be a rejuvenating treatment. We all need at least 7-8 hours of good sleep so that we can keep our young look but also prevent appearance of aging signs like wrinkles, dull complexion, fine lines, but also dark circles.

Here are some of our advices: keep a regular bedtime, switch off the TV, keep your phone in another room, avoid coffee before going to bed, and also take a warm shower or bath in the evening. They will also help you have a quality sleep. Besides that, keeping this beauty routine before going to bed will preserve the health of your hair and skin and make them radiant!