DIY Health Lifestyle

The Real Reason Why Wheat is Toxic to the Human Body Will Shock You! (It’s Not the Gluten!)

 In other parts of the world, even the conventionally grown wheat does not trigger any symptoms. This actually indicates that the toxicity of wheat is due to something far and beyond organic versus nonorganic, gluten or hybridization.

Some believed that the wheat in the United States has been genetically modified.  Yet, the number of people suffering from gluten and wheat issues in the last decade cannot be attributed to gluten and wheat hybrids, as they have been consumed for millennia.

Apparently, the toxicity of wheat in the United States is not a result of its genetic modification. In fact, the real reason lies in the way wheat is harvested by conventional wheat farmers.

The harvest protocol of wheat in America includes drenching of the wheat fields with Roundup several days before the combine harvesters work through the fields. This is due to the fact that the dead and withered plants enable an easier, larger, and earlier harvest, and are less taxing on the farm equipment.

The application of the herbicide Roundup or other herbicides which contain the deadly active ingredient glyphosate prior to the harvest has been suggested in the 1980s.

From then onwards, the use of a drying ingredients 7-10 days before the harvest has become a routine within the conventional farming community.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff of MIT investigated this practice and attended a nutritional Conference in Indianapolis recently. She claimed that the routine of desiccating non-organic wheat crops with glyphosate just before harvest came into vogue late in the 1990′s, and it caused the contamination of the most of the non-organic wheat in the United States.

Her explanation was that the exposure of wheat to a toxic chemical such as glyphosate, in fact, releases more seeds and a slightly greater yield:

 “It ‘goes to seed’ as it dies. At its last gasp, it releases the seed.”

The US Department of Agriculture reports that 99% of durum wheat, 97% of spring wheat, and 61% of winter wheat has been treated with herbicides since 2012. In comparison to 1998, when the figures were 88% for durum wheat, 91% for spring wheat and 47% for winter wheat, we can state that the increase is alarming.

This is the comment of the wheat farmer Keith Lewis on the use of this herbicide before the harvest:

“I have been a wheat farmer for 50 yrs and one wheat production practice that is very common is applying the herbicide Roundup (glyphosate) just prior to harvest.

Roundup is licensed for preharvest weed control. Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup claims that application to plants at over 30% kernel moisture result in roundup uptake by the plant into the kernels.

Farmers like this practice because Roundup kills the wheat plant allowing an earlier harvest.

A wheat field often ripens unevenly, thus applying Roundup preharvest evens up the greener parts of the field with the more mature. The result is on the less mature areas Roundup is translocated into the kernels and eventually harvested as such.

This practice is not licensed. Farmers mistakenly call it “desiccation.” Consumers eating products made from wheat flour are undoubtedly consuming minute amounts of Roundup.

An interesting aside, malt barley which is made into beer is not acceptable in the marketplace if it has been sprayed with preharvest Roundup. Lentils and peas are not accepted in the marketplace if it was sprayed with preharvest roundup….. but wheat is ok. This farming practice greatly concerns me and it should further concern consumers of wheat products.”

Yet, this method is not only conducted in America. The report of the Food Standards Agency in the United Kingdom indicates that the use of Roundup as a wheat desiccant is regularly shown by the glyphosate residues in bread samples.

Also, the awareness of the use of this pesticide is also raised in other European countries. The Netherlands banned its use, and France is likely to do the same too.

It is a fact that farmers will save money and boost their profits with the use of Roundup, but it leads to severe side-effects on health through the consumption of ground up wheat kernels which have absorbed it in great amounts!

As to 1990, the rates of application of this pesticide to US wheat crops are alarmingly higher, and a study conducted in December 2013 showed the relation of the incidence of celiac disease and glyphosate.

According to the herbicide industry, glyphosate is minimally toxic to humans, but the findings of a research published in the Journal Entropy showed the opposite.

This paper, authored by Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff of MIT, examined the glyphosate’s inhibition of cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes and ignored the component of lethal toxicity to mammals.

It is nowadays believed that glyphosate is not dangerous to humans or any mammals, and this attitude is so pervasive that Roundup salesmen foolishly drank it during presentations!

What is a fact is that this pesticide might not show immediate effects, but it is undoubtedly toxic. It actually lethally disrupts the all important shikimate pathway found in beneficial gut microbes which are in charge of the synthesis of essential amino acids.

Probiotics, or friendly gut bacteria, are extremely important for the human health. They aid digestion, support the foundation of strong immunity, prevent permeability of the gastrointestinal tract and synthesize vitamins.

Therefore, what is of high importance is to be aware of the negative effects of Roundup, as it severely disrupts the functioning of beneficial bacteria in the gut and leads go permeability of the intestinal wall and autoimmune disease symptoms.

Moreover,  glyphosate inhibits the cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes produced by the gut microbiome, which are of high importance for the human biology as they detoxify the foreign chemical compounds, xenobiotics that we are exposed to on a daily basis.

Consequently, people are subjected to glyphosate via the use of Roundup in their community or through the consumption of its residues on industrialized food products.

Therefore, they become more prone to the negative effects of other chemicals and environmental toxins.

Additionally, the worst thing is that the effects of the exposure to glyphosate are slow and insidious, and might show up after  months and years since the inflammation gradually develops in the cellular systems of the body.

This systematic inflammation results in  most of the diseases and conditions linked to the Western lifestyle, including:

  • Obesity
  • Infertility
  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • Gastrointestinal disorders
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes
  • Autism
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Cancer
  • Depression

Therefore, the study of Dr. Seneff and the use of glyphosate prior to the harvest of wheat crop shows the way this lethal toxin damages the human body by decimating beneficial gut microbes and leads to disease, degeneration, and widespread suffering.

Hence, it would be wise to avoid conventional wheat even though you do not have trouble digesting it and do not suffer from gluten allergy or wheat sensitivity.

There is a confirmed link between the increased use of glyphosate and the rise of celiac disease and gluten intolerance. This deadly chemical causes insidious effects even though you might not experience the symptoms right away.

We strongly advise that you avoid conventional wheat and focus on organic, preferably low gluten, unhybridized Einkorn wheat for bread making, cookies, pancakes, and all kinds of dishes.

If we overlook these facts and continue consuming conventional wheat, we will certainly develop sensitivity to wheat or autoimmune disease in some form, as a result of the toxic manner in which it is processed and the presence of glyphosate residues in conventional wheat products.

It is high time to decide to stop this, as we are being poisoned intentionally, and we are being lied about it on a daily basis.

Apparently, US wheat farmers use Roundup, not just to kill weeds, but to dry out the wheat plants as well, with the goal to ease, boost, and accelerate the harvest.

This practice leads to the absorption of toxic glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and other herbicides, into the wheat kernels.

Furthermore, even though you haven’t developed a gluten issue or wheat sensibility yet, there is no doubt that the residues of this ingredient in the food you consume cause severe side-effects, including deadly diseases.

Also, think about all the other crops where these herbicides are used, including rice, seeds, sugar cane, barley, dried beans and peas, sugar beets, and sweet potatoes.

Therefore, the best thing you can do to save the health of your family and avoid numerous detrimental effects is to always consume organic foods.

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