DIY Health Lifestyle

DOCTORS IN SHOCK: This Kills 93% of Colon Cancer Cells in Just Two Days?

 Since science still dominates the pharmaceutical industry and the largest number of medicinal research is still funded by pharmaceutical companies, they remain mainly focused on financial gains, rather than protecting human health. However, this does not mean that a great amount of important and beneficial research isn’t still published in prominent scientific journals.

One excellent example of this exception comes from the University of Adelaide, Australia, where researchers have found that lauric acid (which makes up 50% of coconut oil) can destroys over 93% of colon cancer cells in humans, about 48 hours after treatment, according to The Raw Food World.

The Powerful Coconut

The potential of coconut oil to fight cancer has only recently been discovered, but its efficiency in the treatment of many diseases has long been known. An all-natural remedy, coconut oil is a real weapon against many viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites, but it is also good for your digestion, liver, and the healing of skin and wounds.

Coconut oil has also been recently used to treat patients with heart diseases, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes.

Its power lies in the lauric acid which can poison cancer cells by simultaneously causing oxidative stress, thereby significantly reducing the levels of glutathione, which cancer cells need to protect themselves against oxidative stress or excess exposure to oxygen radicals.

The experiments were performed in vitro in Petri dishes, or in vivo, in rats, with identical results in both tests.

The lauric acid is normally found in breast milk, and it’s a fatty acid that supports the immune system and one which possesses antimicrobial properties.

Miraculous Effects

Clinical studies from the American Society for Nutrition have shown that the fat in coconut oil “may be useful in the treatment and prevention of conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, viral diseases (mononucleosis, hepatitis C, herpes …), gall bladder diseases, Crohn’s disease, as well as cancer”.

It has been also proven that coconut oil can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and improve the quality of life in cancer patients. Thus, it is very unfortunate that pharmaceutical companies do not want to fund further research into the miraculous effects of these natural compounds.